Monday, April 17, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #86: Dandelions

I love dandelions! So many get rid of them in their yards as weeds. I take photos of them. I put them in vases! Dandelions are a very useful plant in so many ways too!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #85: White Woodland Flower

As I was on a trail, I noticed these white flowers cascading down the hillside. It was chilly out so they are not opened. So great to see the Spring flowers blossoming!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #84: BlueBells

These bluebells are so tiny, yet beautiful! They give the landscape a touch of blue.  The rain has helped all the flowers bloom. Love seeing color in nature!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #83: Momma Deer

Love watching the deer graze in the evening. This deer looks to be pregnant! Accompanying her were about four other family members. Very peaceful to watch.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #82: Tree Roots on Sand Dune

This tree on the dune is so cool looking. Loved the roots above the ground. The roots seem to be propping the tree upward and climbing up the hill.

Nature Photo of the Day #81: Hole in Log

Fallen log in the forest and the hole caught my eye. Wonder if any critters live in it? The dark color of the log helps the moss to stick out in contrast. The forest is covered still in all the leaves from the Fall.

Nature Photo of the Day #80: Moss Collection

This moss collection is very pretty. Love the turquoise in the light green moss color. So dense and protective of the soil. Beautiful landscaping.

Nature Photo of the Day #79: Sand Dune Mushroom

Found this neat looking mushroom on the sand dunes. Very delicate looking. The white ball gets your attention compared to the rest of the sand dune plants.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 78: Emerald Swallowtail

Love the coloring on the Emerald Swallowtail! The turquoise coloring just pops out from the wings. So beautiful as it is resting on the leaf.

Nature Photo of the Day #77: Peek-a Boo Butterfly

This butterfly resting on the a leaf above me. Looks like he is doing a peek a boo or spying on us. Love the long antenna!

Nature Photo of the Day #76: Orange Flowers

These orange flowers are beautiful. Their color just pops against their green leaves. The delicate stamina's are reaching out of the petals. Beautiful!

Nature Photo of the Day #75: Monarch Larvae

Love the stripes on the Monarch Larvae! Hungry today as it was munching on the leaves. Getting ready to rest in its cocoon! Love Monarchs!

Nature Photo of the Day #74: Yellow Catcus Flower

Love cactuses! This one is skinny with lots of thin delicate thorns. Love the yellow flower in bloom! The flower blooms in layers. Very pretty!