Thursday, March 30, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #73: Rain Drops

The raindrops on tree branches are so pretty. Yet, so delicate. You brush against the branches then the drops go crashing to the ground. For a few moment though they suspend in their drop formation. Reflecting their surroundings. Beautiful.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #72: Morning Frost

This morning there was frost on the ground. The glistening of the frost was pretty. The brown leaf showing off the shiny frost.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #71: Resting Robin

Great to see a spring time Robin resting in a tree. Once in awhile the Robin would chirp to nearby Robins in the area. It was very relaxed and didn't fly away with my presence nearby.

Nature Photo of the Day #70: Cardinal

This cardinal was relaxing while perched in the tree. He was singing his song to the female cardinal in the area. Love how his red just stands out in the brown Spring landscape.

Nature Photo of the Day # 69: Coiled Seed Pod

I noticed this seed pod today. Thought it was cool how it was coiled up in a circle! Neat how it does that after it dried out.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 68 Pine Needle Rain Drops

A rainy day today! The rain drops hanging on the pine needles are cool. If you brush the tree they drop to the ground.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #67: Yellow Crocus

The flowers are starting to blossom! Came across a beautiful yellow crocus! Sure shouts Spring with its color and it opening up!!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #66: Tiny Flowers

These tiny flowers are all over the ground! So adorable! Even though they are tiny they are also hardy. They withstand the cold temperatures of early Spring!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #65: Black Bird Singing

The birds were singing loudly this evening to each other. Their songs were fun to listen to. I love the red marking on these birds wings. So prominent in how it stands out!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #64: Flower Bud

Great to see some flowers coming up!! This little bud will bloom into a beautiful flower. Looking forward to seeing more flowers in the landscape.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #63: Tiny Leaves

Sure is starting to look like Spring on the branches. The buds have developed their tiny leaves now. Great to see some green in the landscape!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #62: Robin

Sure sign of Spring is the Robin! Saw many today flying from tree to tree.  Hearing their song is so welcomed along with the season change!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #61: Small Ice Formation

Fun ice formation left over from the snow fall. During the day most of the snow melted. Any remaining snow was left in these cool ice formations around. Looks like a sea creature to me.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #60: Fast River Current

The sound of the current from the current below is so relaxing. A fast paced Spring like current in the river is rushing down. There is for sure some purpose with the water in that river. It is not leisure more so flowing fast for a reached destination.