Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #59: Vine With Leaf

This vine is really cool how it is wound up. It is holding onto a leaf in its grasp. Still seeing lots of brown in the landscape. This shooted out though as something neat.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 58: Mandala Plant

Saw this plant growing. It is in a perfect circle and like a mandala.  Can't believe how green this plant is at this time of year! Just everything is coming in a tad early!

Nature Photo of the Day #57: Sunning Spider

Noticed this spider sunning in the sun. Strange to see spiders outside in February. But this one was enjoying its day basking on the leaf. You can see the shadows of his body on the leaf.

Nature Photo of the Day #56: Grass

It is February but life is renewing itself. The grass is pushing its way through the leaves from last Fall. It is growing tall with the warmer temps.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #55: Cool Tree

Love the shape of this tree. The bark is has that cool peel look to it. Lots of rain so brings on the moss look on the trunks. Cool looking tree for sure.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 54: Cardinal Singing

A beautiful cardinal singing in the tree. His song is beautiful. Love the red he brings to our landscape.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #53: New Tree Buds

It is starting to look like Spring more and more! The tree are starting to bud for future leaves. Looking forward to more green in the forest!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #52: Juniper Raindrops

A relaxing rainy day brings rain drops. Love how the juniper branches are holding tight to the raindrops. The wind does not even disturb them.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #51: Roots

Love these roots supporting the tree. So angular and strong. They have placed themselves in a certain way for support and purpose. Cool looking roots.

Nature Photo of the Day #50: Snow Patch

The last little remaining patch of snow was found today. Just dripping as it was melting in the warm 60 degree odd temperature for February. The icy sides of the snow patch are cool looking.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #49: Icy Wetland

A beautiful day to be outside on a trail. Noticed this just barely frozen wetland area. Love the thin white crust on the water. The reddish bushes are a nice contrast to the white ice. Pretty scenery.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #48: Patterned Rock

A lot of the times I am looking up or forward looking for things to capture in a photo. There is beauty on the ground too! This pretty stone caught my eye. The grey and blue colors in it. With the lines that give the color some depth.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #47: Buds

It is still chilly out but all the snow is gone. Some sunshine to brighten the day. The signs of Spring coming! Buds on branches are showing up bringing on Spring ever!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #46: Thawing Creek

The creek is starting to melt. Love the sign of Spring coming. But, also the thin sheet of ice just stubbornly holding onto the surface of the water. The landscape is so brown and ready for some green to grow!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #45: Hot Fire Coals

I love fires!! Something about seeing the flames and wood burning. Gathering around a bonfire. These hot coals look really cool to me even though they feel hot when you get close. Sometimes fire is needed in nature to bring about new growth!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #44: Leaf Shaped Ice

The ice is really thin and fragile looking now due to the thawing. This ice is still present with the shape of the leave. Thought that was real cool.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #43: Two Leaves

I liked seeing the two different color leaves today. Some brown. Some others holding onto some greenish color. Just showing hope for renewed life coming soon!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #42: Birds Nest

Found this birds nest nestled in a bunch of briars. Smart spot for a nest. I could hardly get close to it without getting pricked by a thorn.

Nature Photo of the Day # 41: Fungus

Saw this fungi hanging off the end of a branch. Thought is was cool looking. Sorta looks like a shell.

Nature Photo of the Day # 40: Winding Vine

Saw this vine growing around a briar plant. Loved the winding part of the vine. Also, the color contrast between the two is neat.

Nature Photo of the Day #39: Log Plant

This winter has not been very snowy. So, signs of Spring are showing up. Some greenery sprouting from a log. Cute tiny plant.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 38: Rain Drop

A rainy day to stay close to indoors.  The tree are decorated with rain drops. This drop was lingering a little longer than the rest. Can see some of the trees behind it. Pretty.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #37: Seed Pod

It was a windy day. So seeds are falling down on the ground. This seed pod is resting on the snow. Waiting for the snow to melt away. Pretty.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #36: Winter Green Grass

Noticed a spot on the ground that was green. The blades of green grass were nice to see as a contrast to the white snow. The ice on the grass is pretty too.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 35: Huge Seed Pod

I came across this huge seed pod! With the snow in the background it is still winter time. Just shows the promise of life that is to come. Just have to wait and be patient during this dormant time.

Nature Photo of the Day # 34: Pretty Ice

I thought the ice on the branches was pretty. The sun has been out. So, there has been a bit of thaw and freezing on the trees. Leaving tiny frozen icicles on the branch.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #33: Winter Pine Cones

These pine cones are pretty on a chilly winter day. Thought it was neat that a small ice chuck was just barely hanging there. A gust of wind would knock it off the tree branch.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #32: Snowy Pine Branches

The white snow is so beautiful! It keeps coming down too! So, the pine trees are getting a tad heavy with the snow resting on them. Some are resting on the ground for relief.