Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #31: Bald Eagle Sighting

I spot a Bald Eagle flying in the cloudy sky today! He just came out of nowhere! A nice surprise gift! A quick camera shot of him. He graciously stayed a few moments and then flew behind some trees. So beautiful! Made my day!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #30: Snowy Fallen Logs

Fallen wood has so many stories hidden in itself. Of why and what became of its demise! There are some ideas of the story but we will never know. It is resting with a pretty blanket of snow.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #29: Moss

I think that moss is cool! I think it is neat to see the red spores that are really long! Moss is one of the only sources of green in the winter outside in the nature!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #28: Puffy Seeds

I love these puffy seeds on the this field plant. They look as white and fragile like snow. Soft feeling. Delicate features for the harsh winter season

Friday, January 27, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #27: Snow Leaf

It is snowing! Just a dusting though. I thought it was neat how the snow landed to fill in the leaf. But, not enough snow to cover the ground around the leave. Pretty cool snow leaf.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #26: Colorful Pebbles

These pebbles are pretty to me. Different colors and textures. Often walk on and ignored. But, when you look down they are a treasure.

Nature Photo of the Day # 25: Winter Leaves

To see green in the winter is fun with all the browns. I thought these leaves were cool. The change of color is happening. The green to pinkish brown caught my eye in the light.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #24: Throny Buds

Need to be careful walking around these thorny plants. The white buds are pretty. Against the dark red stem.  Looking forward to Spring to see the buds bring about leaves!

Nature Photo of the Day # 23: Purple Vine

These Purple vines really show against the winter landscape. The purple being a dark maroon and then in spots a light purple. Love the differences in color.

Nature Photo of Day #22: Artsy Tree Hole

This hole in the tree is cool looking. Nature art at its best! The remaining work of insects.

Photo of the Day # 21: Shelf Fungi

I saw these shelf fungi today. Thought they were cool looking. They can grow to be pretty big. So, these are new growths.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #20: Flooded River

With the snow melting and the rain. Our watershed is high! The current is fast moving with determination. Even though it is winter it seems like Spring weather has came in to give a break.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #19: Icy Creek

It was great hearing the water flowing in the creek. There were some cool looking ice chunks still in the watershed area.  Some hints of green shouting out amongst the tan landscape. Beautiful!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #18: Frosted Pine Needles

Surprisingly there is a little bit of snow lingering around. This pine needle is debris from the wind. Which was placed in some snow that caught it there. A little bit of frost on the needles. Pretty.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 17: Thawing Ice

With the warmer temps the river ice is melting. Fun to see the ice chunks floating around. This stump is humorously in the middle of an ice slab. The stump having growing on it seems to be shouting life still in the middle of Winter

Monday, January 16, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #16: Frosty Leaves

I especially like the frosty look of the green leaf in the snow. The texture is cool looking. Which caught my eye. Lots of leaf debris hanging around in the snow as the wind has calmed down.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #15: Frozen Track

This track is made of ice! Not an imprint in snow. But melted and then froze again in an ice formation. It looks like a face. Which makes me laugh a little.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #14: Winter Moss

The sight of Green!! This snowy moss was great to see today with its color! The snow resting on it to remind me that it is still Winter! I love the look of moss with its tiny branches.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day # 13: Red Berries

It is a sunny Day! So the reds in the landscape really pop! I love seeing the berries on the plants. Breaks up all the browns in the winter landscape.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day: Icy Rain Drops

The icy day brings some pretty ice drops on the pine trees. The needles hold the frozen rain drops in between the needles. Like a crown holding a jewel. When you brush against the branches you can hear a clanging of the ice drops.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #11: Small Nest

Spotted a cute little nest out and about today. It was nestled in the tree branches. Which is by a wetlands area. In the Spring/Summer area, this area is highly populated with birds. So, no surprise to see a nest waiting for a bird to occupy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Nature of the Day #10: Hole in Tree

I found this tree to be fun. You can look all the way through it. The way it is hallowed in the center is interesting in an artsy way.  The tree keeps on growing despite this hole cavity.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #9: Frozen River

The river is freezing over which is making for an interesting view. The ice is all jagged and pointed. It has been snowing on and off so the ice is covered. Nature showing that sometimes the days run smoothly and others are jagged. It is all on how you react that matters to survive.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #8: Snowy Fallen Tree

The snow and wind has ceased for a bit. So, now it is easier to go out and enjoy the landscape. This fallen tree has made a nice bridge for the snow to rest on. The grasses around it are pretty against the fresh white snow.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #7: Rabbit Tracks

The fun thing about snow is seeing evidence of animals in the area. From this track shows that there is a rabbit in the area. Fun to find different animal tracks in the snow.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #6: Mushroom Cap Lines

I always find the the lines in mushroom caps interesting. Winter the time for rest, decomposing, and preparing for new life. Love the snowball on the top of it too.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #5: Snowballs

It is constantly snowing this week. Plus, the wind is going good. Perfect conditions to spot snowballs on pine trees. The wind being the shaper of the snow collected in the pine needles. Pretty neat!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #4: Snowflakes in Web

Such a different day today! Snow storm has hit the area! I caught some snowflakes stuck in a web on a branch. With snowflakes flying everywhere it sure feels like winter is here!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #3: Winter Raindrops

Love these huge rain drops from this mornings rain. The rain drops magnify the leaf so we can see its veins. Pretty cool.  A winter day rain bring beauty!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #2 Orange Berries

I noticed these orange berries today. They were very noticeable with all the landscape being brownish. This time of year to see any color is great. Love the brown caps on them.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Nature Photo of the Day #1: Flowing Relaxing Creek

Happy New Year!! Back at the 365 Nature Photos this year!! What a beautiful sunny day this first day of the year! Loved hanging out by the creek and listening to the water flow. The green popping in the landscape with little snow on the ground. A beautiful day to be on a nature walk.