Friday, July 31, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 211: Tickseed Sunflower

These Tickseed Sunflower catches my eye on my walks. The bright yellow contrast with all the summer green. Love the shape and how delicate the petals are. Very pretty field flower.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #210: Squirrel

This squirrel ran up this tree with it's food treasure. Enjoying his snack away from me and others. He found a nice perch on a tree knot to refuel. Adorable!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 209: Thistles

These pretty thistles caught my eye on the trail. Their spiky characteristic is really cool. They for sure look like they have a velcro design. Hence I find them on my clothes sometimes!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #208: Spider With Web

I find spider webs to be very cool. How the spider can create such a thing and such a short time span too. This spider has some cool colorings to him. Just waiting for an insect to hop in his web for dinner.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #207: LilyPads

I think Lily Pads are great! They are just waiting for someone to perch or walk on them. Lily Pad flowers are beautiful. This flower is just about to burst open.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 206: Cattail

Loved walking along the boardwalk along the marshy plants. Love the cattails that grow in the marshes. They point themselves out of the other foliage. I think they are neat

Nature Photo of the Day # 205: Sweet Pea

Along the lake were these pretty flowers. Sweet peas! They are really pretty up close and as part of group.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #204: Reflection

A very calm lake. Very peaceful. I loved how the reflection of the tree line is pretty perfect. No ripples in the water. Very relaxing place to be in.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #203: Red Dragonfly

A sweet red dragonfly greeted me on my nature walk. Landing on the different wild foliage. I was watching him and he was watching me while he tilted his head around. So awesome.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #202: Jewelweed

I noticed some jewelweed on my walk today! After noticing poison ivy often, it is nice to see jewelweed!! As it helps people with the rash. I think the orange delicate flower is pretty too!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 201: Red Berry Tree

These red berries are decorating the trees on my walks. They shine in the sunlight, showing off their redness. The green and red are very bright.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #200: Sunset with Clouds

A beautiful sunset over the lake. Love the coloring amongst the clouds. Also, the coloring amongst the lake waters is a shiny reflection. Very relaxing.

Nature Photo of the Day#199: Purple Lupine Flowers

These beautiful Lupine flowers caught my eye amongst the green. They are growing along some calm waters of a lake. Just a pretty spot to relax at with the flowers and water.

Nature Photo of the Day #198: Spiky Flower

Found these spiky flowers along the lake shore. Love the character of the flower with the spikes. Looks like some are ready to bloom yet. A neat flower.

Nature Photo of the Day # 197: Evening Clouds

These were some huge clouds in the sky! Fun to make shapes out of clouds. These clouds were in evening as the sun was setting. Love the texture of them.

Nature Photo of the Day #196: May Flower Plant

On the forest floor is a blanket of May Apple plants. This one has a fruit hanging. It looks like a tiny apple! I love how the leaves look like umbrellas over the forest floor.

Nature Photo of the Day #195: Lily Wildflower

A side profile of a Wild Lily. It was growing in a wetland area. Very pretty flower as it stood out amongst all the green.

Nature Photo of the Day# 194: Milkweed

A milkweed flower!! Love milkweed due to the thought of Monarch butterflies. This flower is so pretty. There is a fly enjoying the flower too.

Nature Photo of the Day #193: Shells

It is always fun to walk along a shore and look for shells. These shells were easy to find. They had washed up on shore in a cluster. They are pretty to look at.

Nature Photo of the Day # 192: Shoreline Tree Stump

This old tree stump by the shoreline is very cool. It has a very smooth texture to it from the water. The root structure gives it a neat look.

Nature Photo of the Day #191: Blackberries

Berry season is in! These tasty looking blackberries were showing off on my walk. So many were ripe. Yummy!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #190: Mushroom

Found this huge and tall mushroom on my walks today! It is in perfect form. Just needs a toad underneath it.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 189: Sandpiper Bird

Love seeing the Sandpipers at the lakeshore. They had nesting signs all along the trails for us to be aware of. They are fun birds to watch.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day #188: Chipmunks

On my walk there were lots of chipmunks running around. This little guy though was calmer and brave. He stood there checking me out and I checked him out. Then, he ran back into the woods. Cute!

Nature Photo of the Day # 187: Yellow Wildflowers

These yellow wildflowers along the trail were beautiful. The bees were busy humming around them. The yellow popped in the green environment.

Nature Photo of the Day #186: Tricolor Sunset

Another beautiful sunset! This one is tricolor! Such a neat display of color in the sky and water! So peaceful!

Nature Photo of the Day #185: Seagulls

Seagulls are just part of beach life. The squawking that they do so often. They flock together on land and fly in the sky together. Beaches would be so different without them.

Nature Photo of the Day # 184: Fawn

I was tracking this fawn on my walk down a trail. I stopped when I realized that the fawn was pondering crossing my trail. I stepped back a step. The fawn emerged about five feet from me and slowly crossed the path. Adorable and great experience!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 183: Blue Jay

This Blue Jay was fun to watch. He was fly from tree to tree. Such a beautiful bird with its bright blue coloring!

Nature Photo of the Day # 182: Black Eyed Susan

This Black Eyed Susan just called out to me from the green field. Love these flowers.  This one just stood alone in its beauty in the field.

Nature Photo of the Day # 181: Deer

These two deer were grazing while I was walking on the trail. They decided to cross right in front of me. They leaped across the trail with my close presence. Beautiful!

Nature Photo of the Day: # 180: Moon

The almost full moon was the night's light! Great to see the moon at the night shining on the forest and lake. Love the moon!

Nature Photo of the Day #179: Salsify Flower

Love how this flower has the spikes at the end of the petals. Found this on the edge of the trail. The tiny flies love to hang out on it. Pretty flower.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Nature Photo of the Day # 178: Sunset Clouds

Sunset clouds! The wispy clouds are pretty in the sky. Along with the pink/purple hues from the sunset. A nice contrast to the still blue sky.

Nature Photo of the Day #177: Hoary Puccoon Flowers

Found these pretty yellow flowers along the boardwalk to the lake. They were interweaved in the fencing. They for sure loved the sandy soil. Lots of insects loved their blossoms.

Nature Photo of the Day # 176: Wood Art

This is nature art at it's best! Love the knots in the wood. How there is a piece of wood along the ground and reaching to the sky. Fun to come across it on the a walk.

Photo of the Day #175: Damselfly

This damselfly was fluttering around the woods by the lake. Flying from leaf to leaf.  Love how he is hanging onto the tip of the leaf. Stayed still long enough for this photo.

Nature Photo of the Day #174: Sunset

This beautiful sunset over a bay. Love how the rays in the clouds. For sure a great sunset to witness.